
No MS Points for Windows Phone 7

We don’t accept made-up currency around these parts, boy

No MS Points for Windows Phone 7

One of my major personal grievances with the Xbox Live service won’t be making its way across to Windows Phone 7, much to the joy of everyone sane and earning their own income.

No, it’s not the achievement whores (they’ll still be there, playing the rubbish and easy games to increase an arbitrary number), but the dreaded Microsoft Points.

Microsoft Points require the user to purchase odd amounts of cash in exchange for the made-up currency, which then goes toward purchasing games and themes.

The trouble is, it invariably ends up with the user having to fork out more money than is actually needed for a single purchase, resulting in annoying ‘orphaned’ points totals of 20 or 30 that are almost completely useless (unless you spend more cash to top up the total).

Windows Phone 7 games will instead be bought using something called ‘real currency’ that can be earned from others and exchanged in - apparently - almost every place in the world.

There’s also the option of putting the total for the games on your monthly phone bill, if you’d rather save the pain for later on, when you least expect it.
