Game Reviews

CyberSphere Online review - A slick top down multiplayer shooter

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| CyberSphere Online
CyberSphere Online review - A slick top down multiplayer shooter
| CyberSphere Online

CyberSphere Online is a take on the multiplayer shooter that I'm sort of surprised we haven't seen more of on the App Store.

Rather than relying on button-heavy FPS style gameplay, it's a top-down twin stick shooter.

And that means there's less concessions made to the hardware. Instead of struggling with the controls, you're quickly making the most of them, blasting through enemies with a spring in your step and a giggle in your heart.

There are a few problems here and there, and it's a game that punished you for not sticking with it, but as a sharp distraction it works pretty darn well.


The game follows a pretty familiar structure. You're controlling your drone with a stick on the left, and aiming its guns with a stick on the right. There are buttons along the bottom of the screen that let you change the sort of ammo you're using.

You've also got a super move, and a helper you can call on. They're on cool downs, but if you use them wisely you can change the flow of a battle when you need it the most.

Single player lets you practice the skills you're going to need to succeed in the multiplayer meat of the game, but it's little more than a brief sojourn rather than a fully featured campaign. You'll want to head into the lobbies as soon as things click.

There are a number of different game modes to sink your teeth into in multiplayer, although the game never breaks out anything truly revolutionary. You're going to be battling in team deathmatches and the like.

That sort of works in the game's favour, since there's less to learn and understand. The scraps last a handful of minutes, but they pack a lot of action in. Although to begin with you're likely to be a bit overwhelmed.

You need to spend to make your drone stronger, but you need to suck in rewards from fights to do that. For those first few battles there's definitely a sense of grind to proceedings, but once you get more powerful things get a lot more fun.

Movers and shakers

CyberSphere Online definitely isn't perfect. Its balancing is sometimes off, and while the violence is fun, it eventually gets a little bit one note for some people's liking.

But since it's free, and since there's enough going on here to suck you in for a few hours, it's pretty hard to complain.

It might not be the greatest twin-stick multiplayer shooter, but it's probably the best we've got right now.

CyberSphere Online review - A slick top down multiplayer shooter

A decent twin-stick multiplayer shooter that isn't afraid to do things its own way