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Spiritfarer lets players guide souls into the afterlife, out now on mobile via Netflix

Spiritfarer lets players guide souls into the afterlife, out now on mobile via Netflix
| Spiritfarer

Thunder Lotus, Playdigious and Netflix are officially bringing Spiritfarer to mobile, letting subscribers to the streaming service get their hands on the death-themed management game with no disruptive ads or pesky in-app purchases. The "cosy death-positive adventure" joins the budding lineup of games from Netflix where all players need is a subscription and they can play all these mobile titles for free.

In Spritfarer, players can expect to step into the shoes of ferrymaster Stella as she guides spirits in the afterlife. Players will build a boat to travel the world and meet friendly spirits and quirky characters along the way. They can also do a little farming here and there, as well as mine, harvest and cook - they can also fish, of course, as well as craft special goodies while relaxing with spiritual passengers on their boat.

They will, as the game's premise suggests, have to learn how to say goodbye to their friends eventually, which is where the bittersweet nature of the game comes in. Thankfully, the memories they make with these otherworldly characters can last even through the great beyond.

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If you're eager to join in on all the fun and experience the game for yourself, you can download Spiritfarer on the iOS App Store and on the Google Play Store for Android devices exclusively under Netflix. You can also join the community of followers over on the official Twitter page to stay updated on all the latest developments, visit the official website for more info, or have a look at the embedded clip above for a sneak peek at the game's vibes, visuals and mechanics.

Are you on the hunt for more similar titles that will put your skills to the test on your mobile device? Why not take a gander at our list of the best Android simulation games?

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