
Genshin Impact's Hypostasis Symphony: Dissonant Verse event challenges players with beating tough Cryo Hypostasis

Genshin Impact's Hypostasis Symphony: Dissonant Verse event challenges players with beating tough Cryo Hypostasis
| Genshin Impact

We’ve now entered the last stage of Genshin Impact’s version 3.2 – Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises. Phase two of this update is wrapping up soon as only the Marvellous Merchandise event is left to go live on November 28th. But before that, players must participate in the return of Hypostatic Symphony, called Dissonant Verse this time.

In the Hypostatic Symphony event in Genshin Impact, players take on various Hypostases of varying difficulties in exchange for handsome rewards. The event was first introduced in version 1.2 and it’s back again to see v3.2 off. It brings back the same action with some extra spice for all players above Adventure Rank 20.

During Hypostatic Symphony: Dissonant Verse, players will once again be challenged with fending off a bunch of Hypostases, but with the additional support of Dissonance. Of course, only a limited amount of Dissonance is available and players will have to use it judiciously. The number will also change based on the difficulty.

The Sonata of the Snowy Path may be tough to complete, but here are some tips to make things easier. The Cryo Hypostasis players will face in this event will be different and stronger than the regular ones. The Extreme Difficulty mode that things a notch higher as it can undergo variations to increase its attack.

A total of four kinds of Dissonance will be available to use. Blazing Harmony increases Pyro damage for 12 seconds, Sustained Warmth restores HP based on the party’s max health, Virtuosic Compulsion builds a Melting Flame field that deals AoE Pyro damage, and finally, Manic Strike increases the damage dealt by Frostfruit to the Cryo Hypostasis.

Other things to keep in mind are reducing accumulated Sheer Cold via Heat Sources, using Charged Attacks, weakening defensive barriers with Frostfruits and finally breaking them down through Pyro attacks.

Participate in the Hypostatic Symphony: Dissonant Verse by downloading Genshin Impact now for free.

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