
Dragon Quest announces a brand new mobile exclusive entry with a trailer soon to come

Dragon Quest announces a brand new mobile exclusive entry with a trailer soon to come

After releasing Dragon Quest Builders 2 onto mobile a year or two back, Square Enix has kept the series quiet on the mobile storefront, at least up until now. As of a stream for the 36th anniversary, a brand new in-the-works Dragon Quest project exclusive to mobile has been teased, so fans of the extremely successful JRPG franchise have some news to look forward to!

In case you somehow aren’t familiar, Dragon Quest is a legendary JRPG series that has been running since the days of the NES alongside other giants like Final Fantasy or Castlevania. Typically, the games are your average turn-based RPG experience involving a hero saving the world from encroaching darkness, though lately, they’ve branched into other genres like survival or dungeon crawling.

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As for this new teaser, there’s not a lot to work with aside from what is essentially an announcement of an announcement. All this little bit really tells us is that the project will be officially revealed on the 18th of this month, which luckily is not that long to wait for some news! Unfortunately, it does mean that all we can really do right now is speculate on what this could possibly be.

So, let’s do that! So far on the mobile side of things, Dragon Quest has seen everything from ports of the old games to ports of the builder series to original turn-based gacha games, so it’s really tough to say what we could see given the spread of genres. Personally, I’d love to see a traditional Dragon Quest experience made exclusively for mobile devices, just to show us pocket gamers some love.

Regardless, all we can do is wait for more information! For now, you can check out the latest entry into the mainline games at the official website, and stay tuned for that official reveal to get a taste of what’s to come for mobile Dragon Quest fans!

Looking for a turn-based role-playing game to play while we wait for more information on the new Dragon Quest game? Check out our Top 25 best JRPGs for iOS!