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Project Dark, a brand new immersive choose-your-own-adventure audio drama, launches onto mobile

Project Dark, a brand new immersive choose-your-own-adventure audio drama, launches onto mobile

A brand new hyper-immersive audio-based narrative game has launched onto mobile, courtesy of developer Red meat Games. Project Dark is a pretty unique little indie that combines something akin to traditional choose-your-own-adventure novels with audio dramas, creating an immersive and thoroughly enjoyable ride all the way through.

There have been a few mobile-focused games that have tried out this sort of thing to varying degrees of success, but Project Dark really stands out in its captivating vibes for lack of a better word. It’s sort of gothic, with an undertone of general, well, darkness seeping into every encounter you run into.

Speaking of gothic, there are six different episodes currently within the game, each presenting you with a different time period and activities to take part in. One of those is even a full medieval fantasy, while another is a modern-day blind date. Each episode is disconnected from one another but presents you with interesting choices that will affect how they all play out, and what you run into during each.

All of this is told through some really well-done binaural audio features alongside some stellar writing that will make you want to learn about each character you run into as you base your opinion of them pretty much entirely on voice alone. Combine all that with the replayable nature of these choose-your-own-adventure type games, and there’s a lot to dig into here.

But don’t take my word for it! You can give Project Dark a go completely for free at either of the links below! If you’re looking to take it for a spin on a bigger screen, it even has a Steam port that will allow you to get even further immersed within the strange, wild world of Project Dark.

Project Dark icon
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