
Play Together is celebrating its second anniversary with baby aliens and loads of rewards

Play Together is celebrating its second anniversary with baby aliens and loads of rewards

Haegin has just announced that their casual mobile social network game, Play Together is turning two and a massive party has been organised on Kaia Island to celebrate. The game’s second anniversary is being commemorated by numerous events as aliens have come to town. Players will have a chance to earn numerous rewards as they participate in the festivities.

Even the Baby Aliens who live light years away in space know that Play Together is celebrating its second anniversary. So, they’ve come all the way to Kaia Island with space agents. Two of them, agents MJ and K can be found in the main Plaza area, where they will be handing out 2nd Anniversary Coins to everyone who completed tasks assigned by them.

These coins can be exchanged for a bunch of anniversary-themed goodies with the best of them all being the exclusive Flying Saucer, which can actually fly! Players can also interact with the quirky Baby Aliens and get themselves some Baby Alien pets. Commander A in Downtown is your man for pets. He’s giving away whatever players ask for and those who want to take a slight risk can go ahead and hatch an Unidentified Egg as well.

In addition to the Baby Alien and Space Agent festivities, Play Together is also giving everyone loads of freebies to mark the occasion. Just by logging in, players stand to receive items like the Hot Air Balloon, No Joke look, furniture, costumes, and lots of gems. The event will run for another month, granting the limited edition Fox and Slime pets later on with the 2nd anniversary-themed vehicle becoming available on day 28.

To top it off, the game is adding a new Game Zone, which is the perfect spot in Downtown to enjoy arcade games. It features a real-time leaderboard system, allowing residents to compete with each other. The Game Zone goes live on April 20th.

Download Play Together now for free.

Also, check out this list of the best multiplayer games to play on mobile!

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