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Fantasy Town Diary: Days 2-4 - more citizens, more style, and fresh bread

The latest news from our hands-on experience with Gamigo’s farming RPG

Fantasy Town Diary: Days 2-4 - more citizens, more style, and fresh bread

We’re now 4 days into our hands-on diary series with the fantasy farming RPG and our town is really starting to take shape. Here is how things have progressed so far…

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Day 2 - Too many baguettes!

So far things are running smoothly with rewards coming thick and fast. We sent Max on another expedition to retrieve more citizens from the trolls, and, after a short battle, we rescued Adam; a burly looking baker so committed to his passion that he carries a rolling pin with him at all times.

The arrival of Adam couldn’t come at a better time; my townsfolk are apparently getting sick of baguettes and our habit of trading away wheat reserves means we could use a more efficient baker. Coggs was immediately given the heave-ho for our new baker and we promptly set about baking bread.

We also learned a little bit more about our town’s backstory today after James revealed himself to be the town's chief. He went on to wax nostalgic at the ruins of the town’s Hall of Achievement about our mayoral predecessor, Lord William.

We felt James was a tad negligent for not revealing this information sooner so we punished him with back breaking labour in the town’s mine. Meanwhile we fixed up the Hall of Achievement in splendidly ostentatious style with the aid of the town’s blacksmith - and only for the cost of one baguette (he must be one of the few townsfolk that isn’t sick of them).

Day 3 - A more stylish mayor

At long last we’ve unlocked the ability to restyle our mayor. After receiving an invitation to visit another town, Tommy suggested that we spruce up our appearance. We decided against buying any new attire until we’ve finished fixing up the town, but the freebies provided in the shop have certainly given our mayor a more distinguished look.

Upon visiting Mayor Arum’s town we were left blushing at how underdeveloped our own settlement looked by comparison. After exchanging pleasantries and putting out some fires for our new acquaintance, we wasted no time in heading back to finish restoring our town.

We ignored Tommy’s suggestion of having at least 8 fields to boost our crop yield, deciding that only 12 would do (at 300 gold per field, we think it’s an expense worth making). We’re now churning out sugar cane, corn, and wheat like nobody’s business. What’s more, we also managed to trade the abundance of corn we needlessly planted over the past two days (our cows only like wheat apparently).

Our most notable achievement of the day however was unlocking the town’s training camp, in-spite of the mayor’s objections on the grounds that it would permanently block his last opportunity to escape. Our “supposed” heir to Lord William is definitely not who he appears to be…

Day 4 - Ride into the trading zone

Another fine start to the day. We quickly reached Lv. 9 and received Hadi (a giant grizzly bear with top-notch baking skills) as part of our daily log-in reward - Tommy informed us we need a population of at least 20 before we could build some new farm buildings, so the addition of the new baker was certainly welcome.

On a whim, we decided to start upgrading a few buildings, including our Castle which now stands at a mighty Lv. 3. We weren’t sure at first what upgrading the Castle would do, so we were pleasantly surprised to see that it unlocked a new story segment about our town’s history called “A War of Words”. It opens up with our town chief, James, attempting to raise a militia to take on the troublesome trolls. His efforts didn’t last long as his group of tired listeners found themselves immediately routed by one of the green monsters. We were curious what the next story segment would reveal but decided to save any new Castle upgrades for a later time; for now the priority is rebuilding the town!

After constructing a new house we finally met the population threshold to start properly expanding, but, before we could, we were wrangled into helping a stranded soul on a nearby island.

The impromptu island excursion saw yet another fruitless attempt by the mayor to skip town, but in the long run it was very fruitful for us as the stranded occupier turned out to be an expert merchant called Wagul. In-spite of his ugly goblin appearance, Wagul was apparently quite the trader at one point, and, on the promise of restoring the island back to its former glory as a trading zone, he pledged to help grow the town’s economy.

Unfortunately to get our workers to speed up the repairs on the trade zone we need to bribe them with bacon, which means it’s time to expand the farm….

Stay tuned for our next hands-on update where we may finally receive the bacon we need. In the meantime, if you’d like to get in on the adventure yourself, you can find Fantasy Town available to download for free from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.