
Gloriously grim SRPG Banner Saga 2 is on sale for iPad and iPhone

Norse code

Gloriously grim SRPG Banner Saga 2 is on sale for iPad and iPhone
| Banner Saga 2
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Banner Saga 2 is a brilliant game. And right now you can pick it up for the low, low price of £4.99 / $4.99 on the App Store.

The games continues the story of its predecessor. It's a grim and gloomy SRPG full of stern viking, plenty of demons, and some difficult choices. People are going to die, and often it's up to you who ends up six feet under.

At review we called the game "a gloomy, exciting, and downright brilliant tactical RPG," and gave it a super shiny Gold Award.

So if any of that tickles your fancy, which it definitely should, you can click on this link right here to buy the game from the App Store.