How Tos

Path to Nowhere: Beginner's guide

It's a relatively new game, so we are all beginners in a way. This guide for Path to Nowhere will reveal exactly what you need to focus on right from the start.

Path to Nowhere: Beginner's guide
| Path to Nowhere

Characters are arguably the most memorable and valuable part of any game which is why there are entire series built around collecting them. With Path To Nowhere by AISNO game, you have another gacha adventure with an anime art style. You play as the Chief of an organization designed to find and arrest world-threatening criminals known as "Sinners". This is due to the fact that Sinners possess superhuman powers and so require more powerful containment measures. However, as the Chief, you possess an inherent power that allows you to apply red shackles to any Sinner you come into contact with and this is how you build your fighting force.

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The game has an RPG feel but in practice is more like a tower defense experience. Each level presents you with a grid setup arranged with numerous paths and barriers. With only a total of six Sinners that you can have in your party, you need to strategically arrange them across the field to protect the Chief. Each level has distinct spawn points so you can plan around them, but you can't always predict which path enemies are going to take. The first levels do a good job of introducing the main mechanics but the challenge quickly ramps up so there are certain elements to keep in mind.

Tip #1 - Always Check Sinner Range

Like with other tower defense games, each unit has an attack range. Although this game is grid-based, each Sinner's range is very clearly defined. When you're attempting to place them on the field, their range will be clearly visible. You can use this to your advantage based on the layout of the level to ensure enemies are always receiving max damage. This is particularly important when placing defensive units as they can be limited to just where they're placed. Also, melee units are able to hit through barriers so don't worry about blocking them.

Tip #2 - Mind Your Move Limit

Despite being the Chief and able to move Sinners around instantly, your power is not limitless. At the top of the level screen, there is a counter that shows the number of moves you're given for the level. As waves get more dangerous and hectic, you'll be tempted to move units around to respond. Unfortunately, you can't do this freely and every position you change eats into your moves. When you run out, you'll be stuck with your Sinners' current positions. Always reserve moves for the final wave. If you enter a level and see that you've been given a lot of moves, brace yourself for a tricky fight and be prepared to move units around as needed to attack stronger foes or get wounded Sinners out of danger.

Tip #3 - Use Potestas To Fill Strategic Gaps

As you play through the intro stages, you'll unlock new overworld features and new mechanics. One of the more useful and powerful is "Potestas", which are essentially your personal Chief powers. The Potesta screen will show a range of abilities that have a variety of effects ranging from dealing direct damage to enemies to helping your Sinners recover stamina. The Potestas can be very strong, but you can only take one into battle. Before you decide which, take a look at the layout, the coverage that your Sinner team has, their team make-up, and the type of enemies you can expect. These will help you determine which power will help you cover weak spots in your strategy.

Tip #4 - Save Core Breaker Moves

Many of the enemies you encounter move quite slowly, which gives you time to assess and brace for impact. The biggest threats among them are enemies with Cores. These enemies are generally slower, larger, stronger, and more resilient. Their Cores are marked by bright orange diamonds that appear by their health bars with some of these enemies having more than one. Until these Cores are broken, these enemies will not take significant damage or be deterred. Luckily, there are Sinners with Ultimate abilities that are tailor-made to break Cores and there are even Potestas that can do that as well. Once the Cores are broken, these enemies enter a Break state where they fall and take more damage. These enemies show up at inopportune times, so don't waste Core breaking moves until you deal with them.

Tip #5 - Herd Enemies

As enemies spawn, they will slowly make their way toward the Chief. They don't always take the shortest path and will sometimes wind through the area. When reviewing the field, check for points where enemy paths are most likely to cross and group Sinners around them. Defensive Sinners can delay multiple enemies while offensive Sinners can still hold individuals in place while attacking others around them. When you're able to group enemies together, you can dish out heavy damage and use Ultimates to cut through them quickly and effectively.