
Langrisser Mobile cheats and tips - How to summon more heroes

| Langrisser Mobile
Langrisser Mobile cheats and tips - How to summon more heroes

Trinity Vouchers, Friendship Vouchers and SSR heroes

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I want more Langrisser Mobile heroes. You want more Langrisser Mobile heroes. See where this is going? Yep, this is a guide about getting more Langrisser Mobile heroes.

To get more heroes you'll need to summon, and to summon you need either Trinity Vouchers or Friendship Vouchers, both of which aren't necessarily simple to come across.

Here we're going to break down the important and fastest ways to get both kinds of vouchers, so you can get down to summoning heroes immediately, and beefing up your party. Not a bad deal, eh?

Read on for everything you need to know about summoning in Langrisser Mobile - oh, and don't forget to check out our full list of characters to see what heroes you're looking to summon!

Langrisser Mobile

Hardcore questing

Do you know how many individual quests there are in this game? No, that's not rhetorical because I can barely keep up with it all, honestly.

If you click on the Mission tab, you're presented your Daily quests, Challenges, and Feats, all with plenty of vouchers, experience and gear ready to be earned. You'll even get bonus rewards for clearing out your daily quests each day.

Then you've got even more rewards to be earned in the Events tab. These will be different depending on when you're logging in, but as of the time of writing, there's four different events, each with a variety of rewards that'll help you power up and summon new heroes.

Not content with that, we also have the Path of Light quests. This, again, might be different when you log in, but as of right now the quests (found just underneath your character portrait on the world screen) have seven days worth of quests to be completed - that's a lot of quests!

Many of these quests will reward you with Trinity Vouchers and Friendship Vouchers so you can get summoning, just pay attention to what you need to complete quests. Some quests may even ask you to participate in certain summons, for example, equipment summons, in exchange for more Trinity Vouchers. That's definitely worthwhile.

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Eventful rewards

We've already mentioned the events and all of the rewards you can get. Right now, there's even two separate events which will give you rewards just for logging in daily. That's a good way to get Trinity Vouchers fast.

But events can also give you opportunities to summon rarer heroes. Isn't that nice?

If you stock up 10 Trinity Vouchers - which isn't hard if you've just started the game - you can pull 10 heroes at once, with a guaranteed chance to get at least one SR rank hero, and a higher than usual chance to get an SSR ranked hero.

These heroes aren't just rare, they're powerful, and well worth saving for.

Trinity crystals

Completing quests, events and smashing through campaign missions will earn you plenty of Trinity Crystals, and much like Trinity Vouchers, these can be exchanged for brand new heroes. By way of Trinity Vouchers, that is.

This will end up being one of the easier ways to get new heroes as you progress through the game. 88 Trinity Crystals will buy you a single Trinity Voucher, or 880 will buy you ten. Yeah, sorry, no discounts for bulk purchases here.

Feel free to invest your Trinity Crystals in Vouchers whenever you have enough, if summoning is your main goal.

Langrisser Mobile

Time rift rewards

Even if experience, gear and learning the story of Langrisser isn't good enough for you, you should still jump into the Time Rift for Trinity and Friendship Vouchers.

For each main Time Rift mission you can earn up to three stars for good performance, and you'll earn rewards for earning a total of 7, 14 and 21 stars on each Time Rift map.

On top of that, you can go back through each map on Hard mode to earn stars and rewards all over again - yep, there's plenty for you to earn here.

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