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Lords Mobile is holding an Ultimate Guild Event to celebrate the best guilds on the battlefield

Lords Mobile fans (and hardcore guilds), rejoice!

Lords Mobile is holding an Ultimate Guild Event to celebrate the best guilds on the battlefield
| Lords Mobile

I Got Game’s upcoming guild event for RTS-slash-RPG powerhouse Lords Mobile is set to honor the best of the best with an Ultimate Guild Event. Running from the 18th of December to January 3rd next year, the event will pick the top 100 guilds for Kingdom Clash, Guild Fest, and Dragon Arena who'll bear the title of the Ultimate Guild along with cool exclusive event prizes. It’s essentially a way to thank the biggest guilds for their contributions, pay tribute to their accomplishments, and praise them for making a name for themselves throughout the four years since Lords Mobile’s release.

As for the mechanics of the event, the Guild Leader will first have to register to represent their guild on the event page. During the selection phase, there will be one round of Kingdom Clash, one round of Guild Fest, and two rounds of Dragon Arena. Based on the rankings for these three events, each member of the top guild will receive “Victory Packs”.

Participating guilds will also receive “Medals of Honor” based on their performance during the event, and the top 100 guilds with the most Medals of Honor will win the right to be called the Ultimate Guild.

To amp up the fun factor of the event, each ranking for Kingdom Clash, Guild Fest, Dragon Arena, and Ultimate Guild will also have guessing games where players can guess the winners correctly to win a prize.

So, what’s up for grabs for those looking to be the Ultimate Guild? The top 100 will receive an exclusive guild avatar for the most prestigious bragging rights; plus, Ultimate Guilds will also receive a physical Ultimate Guild Trophy, which the guild leader can claim. As for the members, everyone will receive an exclusive “Ultimate Guild Glory Pack”.

As the perfect icing to the cake, IGG is hyping up the event with a kick-ass theme song to make world-building and PVP-ing even more epic. Aptly titled “Lords”, the special theme song is produced by musician Kurt Hugo Schneider and is currently available to download for free from Lords Mobile's Facebook channel. With its catchy beat, inspiring lyrics, and pumped-up message of guild teamwork that will surely resonate with fans, the theme song is the perfect way to boost the guilds’ sense of pride as they attack enemy bases and seize resources to their heart’s content.

So, if you’re ready to make your mark and cheer “We are the lords” at the top of your lungs, you can register for the event to the beat of the energetic theme song in the background - goosebumps guaranteed.