
Hearthstone’s new Forged in the Barrens expansion releases 30th March

Hearthstone’s new Forged in the Barrens expansion releases 30th March

Blizzard has announced it will be releasing Hearthstone’s Forged in the Barrens expansion in just under two weeks, on 30th March. The update is coming to iOS, Android and PC.

To prepare for the upcoming expansion which is releasing as part of Blizzard’s Year of the Gryphon celebrations, Hearthstone is rolling out the card reveal season today. Keep your eyes peeled for reveals of new cards across different channels and outlets, with a final card reveal livestream with RegisKillbin, Community Manager Chris Sierra, and Game Designer Liv Breeden on 22nd March.

There are also private pre-release Fireside Gatherings which will give you a chance to open your packs early before the expansion officially unlocks. These gatherings will take place on the weekend before launch, between 26th March and 29th March.

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These Fireside Gatherings also come with Fireside Brawls which will let you play with the new cards. In the Forged in the Barrens No Cards Barred Brawl, you will be able to construct decks using the cards you obtain in the pre-release event, with no restrictions on class or duplicates.

There’s also the A Recipe for Tenacity, which is a pre-constructed brawl which includes new deck recipes from the upcoming set which you can play with. Best of all, you won’t need to have pre-purchased packs to play this brawl.

The Forged in the Barrens expansion for Hearthstone introduces 135 all-new cards inspired by one of World of Warcraft’s most iconic locations. It is available now for pre-order, costing £44.99 for the regular expansion which gives you 60 card packs from the expansion, or £69.99 for the Mega Bundle which includes 85 card packs.

Download Hearthstone now from the iOS App Store or the Google Play for Android store.

If you enjoy digital card games, read our list of the best ones you can play on iOS.