
Get Clash Royale's X-Bow deck on lock with our Mobile Minions' guide

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Get Clash Royale's X-Bow deck on lock with our Mobile Minions' guide
| Clash Royale

Clash Royale's X-Bow deck is a pretty viable option in a variety of situations, but you may not be entirely sure how to build around the key card and make the most of it in battle.

Luckily for you, our resident expert and Mobile Minion Josh Jones has returned with a new video explaining how to make the most of the versatile deck.

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As he says, there isn't a card in the deck that isn't perfectly balanced, and it's become incredibly popular since the Tesla received a buff.

Josh goes over how to make the best plays using the X-Bow deck, along with explaining its composition and which cards need to be used together for the highest chance of winning.

If you're looking for other Clash Royale tips, be sure to check out the Mobile Minions YouTube channel for much more, and subscribe so you'll never miss a new video!