
Clash of Clans developer Supercell invites people to ask questions about their Battle Pass for a virtual Q&A

The request comes following a virtual GDC talk

Clash of Clans developer Supercell invites people to ask questions about their Battle Pass for a virtual Q&A

In a recent GDC talk. Eino Joas - Game Lead at Supercell - discussed the two-year development process for the Clash of Clans Battle Pass. Usually, at the end of these talks there's an opportunity for a Q&A but given this was pre-recorded and virtual that wasn't possible.

However, Supercell still wants to include this so they're inviting people to participate in a Q&A with Eino. So whether you're a current player of Clash of Clans, a game developer or simply enjoy listening to talks and asking questions about business decisions in mobile games, you can submit them through this Google Form where you'll be able to submit up to two questions.

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The Q&A will then be posted on Supercell's YouTube channel on Friday 24th April where they'll be answering the people's questions about the Battle Pass and other relevant topics. So if you're not fussed about asking a question but are still interested to hear what Supercell's responses are, that's where you'll be able to find the answers.

If you're yet to watch Eino's talk and would like to do so you can find it on the GDC YouTube channel or simply watch the video we've embedded here. He discusses the issues the game was facing in 2017, the decision to implement a Battle Pass and how they decided what that would involve, among other business-related stuff.

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Clash of Clans released back in 2012 and has remained a popular game ever since. However, being 8 years old in the gaming space makes you a virtual dinosaur. That means there's a constant need to keep the game feeling fresh and given the gaming landscape in recent years it's not too surprising they ultimately opted for a Battle Pass.

Clash of Clans is available now over on the App Store and Google Play. It's a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.

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