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Rovio brings the real-time PvP combat game Battle Bay to iOS and Android

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Rovio brings the real-time PvP combat game Battle Bay to iOS and Android
| Battle Bay

Rovio's back, but not with another Angry Birds title. No, this time we've got Battle Bay to sink our teeth into, and it's out now on iOS and Android.

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Battle Bay is a real-time multiplayer team battler where you drive your chosen ship around, hopefully take the tactical approach to the oncoming mayhem, and waste the other team in five-versus-five PvP.

Obviously it wouldn't be much fun if you didn't have a say in your arsenal, so there's a few things to choose from. Aside from the five ships on offer, each with their own speciality, you've also got a variety of weapons, armour, items, abilities, and upgrades to keep you busy.

Battle Bay is free-to-play, but you've also got the option of joining a not-quite-cheap VIP Subscription service. The benefits of this service include: 20% faster crew training, one free daily shop refresh, +50% ad-free bonus to battle rewards, and more. This'll set you back $4.99 per week or $9.99 per month.

Otherwise grab Battle Bay on the App Store or Google Play now.