
Call of Duty Mobile is launching Season 2: Heavy Metal next week

Call of Duty Mobile is launching Season 2: Heavy Metal next week

Another month means another season of action on Call of Duty Mobile. Activision’s latest update introduces 2023’s second season – Heavy Metal. This one takes players into the post-apocalyptic future with a new multiplayer map, battle pass, seasonal challenges, and loads of rewards. It goes live on February 22nd.

Battle Pass

The free tiers of Heavy Metal’s battle pass include the new Maddox Assault Rifle with a high fire rate, low recoil, and extended magazine, the Unit Support Perk, camos, weapon blueprints, and the DR-H – Deadman’s Hand.

As part of the premium pass, players can obtain themed items like Operator Skins - The Marshall, Deadman, Domino — Intimidation Tactics, and Beck — Spray Paint. Other rewards include an exclusive weapon blueprint called Aerodynamic, for the Maddox.

Multiplayer Updates

Heavy Metal is introducing a lot of new updates to the multiplayer modes. The first is a new map, Diesel, which was first seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Players will duke it out under the harsh sun among the ruins of a gas station. The map has something for every combat type, from long-range shooting to close-range battles.

Additionally, there are two more modes to check out. Goliath Clash offers domination-style gameplay where players drop into the game as a Goliath and must capture three points on the map. There are various upgrades that grant buffs too.

Then there is Chaos Control, which builds off from the Control Mode without any upper limit for lives. It will allow players to employ a more aggressive playstyle. Big plays raise the risk, but also boost the rewards that can be acquired.

Battle Royale Class

Ravager Launcher is the class of characters coming to the battle royale mode. This class offers players a limited-time Sentry Turret that automatically targets enemies. Upgrades can eventually add missiles as well.

Be on the lookout for new seasonal challenges and events too.

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Also, check out this list of the best multiplayer games to play on mobile!

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